Tuesday 3rd May, 2011 4PM
The Black Box
Department of Creative and Festival Arts, UWI
Agostini Street, St Augustine
Open call for ACTORS and DANCERS: please bring HEADSHOT+RESUME. Come dressed to move comfortably; scripts will be provided for group readings and scene work; please arrive for 4pm prepared to spend time working with director and other performers in group audition.
Lola aka Lil Mama LoLo: A woman of the kitchen and the corner. She ponders how she got left holding the bag, journeying inward to figure it all out. Her alias is Lil Mama Gypsy.
Mama Say: Lola’s ancestral mother and guide. She is more spirit than human. But one must never forget, she had to live to die and pass over into the spirit realm. Thus, she embodies both spirit and human characteristics. She gives birth to Lola spiritually, and she speaks to Lola inside her head. At times, she is accessible to all players in the Gutta. She is the whisper of unconditional love inside our heads.
Papa G: A spirit force with the energy of a trickster. He is also the catalyst for communication between earth/the Gutta and the One force (God/Oludamare/Allah/Nsamb
Michael King Lee Jefferson III aka The Right Reverend BooDaddy: As Mike, he is Lola’s boo, lover, husband, soul mate, and arch enemy. He is a hustler of circumstance and an aspiring lyricist with much to say about the world. His alias is The Right Reverend Boo Daddy; he gives the sermon in the hyper reality of Gutta Beautiful.
Orchid aka Alice in Wonderdick: Lola’s friend and confidant. She is a recently divorced realist educated in the art of playa-isms, trying to reverse the mac and still have good time. Her alias is Alice in Wonderdick.
Suga Sweet aka School Teacher Pussy: Lola’s friend and confidant. She is very well read, articulate, sexy and conscious (a new school Pan Africanist). She loves to take care of the brothers in the name of the revolution. She is courageous to a fault. Her alias is School Teacher Pussy.
The Rhythm Angel: The DJ; he hypes the crowd at The Public Pussy Project and The Divine Tabernacle.
The Ring Girl/Aunty Sam: She carries signs in the Gutta as The Ring Girl. As Aunty Sam, she is a force representing the various faces/voices of imperialism - the capitalist market, and its nefarious corporate monopolies, as well as its foundational under-belly economy and culture of illegal substances and violence, racism, classism, sexism, and control. She is a force of fear, aggression, a haunting history, and a desperate greed.
The Source: All percussion